A MULTI-million pound project to regenerate Six Bells was hailed a great success, with hundreds more buildings set to benefit from the facelift.

Deputy minister for regeneration and housing, Jocelyn Davies was shown progress made on the Six Bells Renewal Area project by Blaenau Gwent AM Trish Law and Blaenau Gwent council deputy leader Cllr John Mason.

Already, millions of pounds of Assembly Government money has been spent regenerating the former mining community.

Work completed includes the clearance and landscaping of the old colliery site and several other areas ready for development, the refurbishment of 116 houses and 28 derelict buildings either knocked down or demolished.

Another major feature is the 20-metre high memorial statue called Guardian. This commemorates 50 years since a coal and gas explosion tore through the colliery in June 1960, killing 45 miners.

Ms Davies said much has been achieved since the renewal area was declared seven years ago, saying it is "money well spent" that is having a big impact on the community.

However, there is still much work to do. Cllr Mason said another 235 properties will be refurbished at a cost of over £6.5 million while landscaping will take place to improve the entrance to Arail Street, Griffin Street and Chapel Road.

The former Coach and Horses pub will also be developed into a heritage centre