A DANCE student from Pontypool is celebrating reaching the finals of the Miss Universe Wales competition.

Nichola Burley, 22, from Pontnewynydd, is now getting ready for the regional finals which take place in Cardiff on March 11.

The top three will then compete for Miss Universe Great Britain in May.

Miss Burley, who is in the second year of her dance degree at the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, said hearing she had got through to the finals was a real shock.

“I would like to get into the modelling business and tried hard to get into it a few years ago. I gave up on it and then this happened out of the blue.”

Miss Burley said she was asked to enter the competition and is now excited about trying to get through to the next round.

She is also trying to raise £250 for the competition’s chosen charity BEAT Cymru which is an eating disorder charity.