AFTER being delayed by strong winds, Richard Parks has begun his bid to summit the world's highest peak, Everest.

He hopes to arrive there on either tomorrow or Tuesday, completing the toughest leg of his world-first attempt to climb the highest mountain on each of the world's seven continents and reach the north and south poles in seven months.

Parks has spent a month acclimatising, ready to tackle Everest, which is in Nepal and part of the Himalayas range.

However, a change in weather with strong winds forecast delayed him at base camp, but he is now planning on summiting the 8,850 peak on either Monday or Tuesday.

But, he admits the weather is almost as big a challenge as the climb, as this has to be right before Parks can attempt the summit.

“The waiting, the not knowing, the uncertainty is draining. The effort of climbing all the way up to 7,100m and coming all the way back to 5,300m to then spend three or four days waiting for the (weather) window to be right for us to summit has been pretty tough," he said.

Parks hopes to raise £1 million for Marie Curie Cancer. Follow him at