A drug dealer who made more than £12,000 from his “trade” will have to pay back around £1,300.

Lewis Thomas was convicted in November last year of possessing cannabis and cocaine and possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

A Proceeds of Crime Act hearing at Newport Crown Court heard that Thomas, 22, of Glamorgan Street, Brynmawr had made £12,190 from drug deals he had only £1,310 that he could pay back.

Judge Eleri Rees ordered Thomas to pay the £1,310 within 30 days.

Thomas admitted the drugs offences when he appeared before Judge David Morris in November.

He was given a nine-month sentence, suspended for two years, along with a two-year supervision order and 120 hours unpaid work.

Police who raided Thomas’s Brynmawr address in March last year found about 35 grams of cannabis, scales and a grinder.

They also found 0.42 grams of cocaine mixed with benzocaine, which has legitimate pharmaceutical uses but is also used to “bulk out” the class A drug.

Two days after Thomas was charged with possession, police again raided his home where they recovered a bag with 75 grams of cannabis, along with clear plastic bags, scales and a quantity of cash.

He once again claimed the drugs were for his personal use.

Thomas suffered from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and was "relatively immature”, had started taking cannabis at a relatively young age and had "drifted" into supplying cannabis to people he knew, the November hearing was told.