A NEWPORT farmer was udderly shocked when one of his Highland cows gave birth to a rare white calf.

The week-old female, born to a rusty coloured cow and a dark haired bull, seems to be amoosing visitors to the Walnut Tree Farm Park, St Brides, where she has become the star attraction.

The distinctive breed are more commonly known for their long shaggy brown hair and long horns and owner Phil Scrivens, 65, who has been farming for 50 years, has never seen one before.

He said: “We couldn’t believe it. I’ve seen black ones and brown ones but not white. It’s just something a bit different and the queues of people to see her are around the block.”

The calf's light colouring is most likely down to a recessive white gene, which does exist in the breed, though it is rare.

Visitors can visit the calf, which does not yet have a name, at the farm and education centre run by Mr Scrivens, his son Jason, 39, and grandson Leon, 17, daily from 10am to 5pm.