A RISCA teenager was locked up for more than two years after admitting burgling two properties in the town.

Daniel Moore, 18, of Wellspring Terrace, appeared in Newport Crown Court on Monday, where he pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary.

Prosecutor Nicola Rees said the first burglary, during which a mobile phone was stolen, happened on May 3 this year in Clyde Street, while the owner and her daughter were staying the night elsewhere.

Ms Rees said Moore and another man were seen in the back garden of the property by a neighbour, who also saw him attempting to climb through a window at around 7am that day.

The defendant was arrested and claimed his companion had permission to enter the house. Moore was released on bail and was still on bail when the second burglary happened on May 10.

Ms Rees said Moore entered a house in Holly Road through a back window and stole a computer, a wallet, a portable DVD player and a number of mobile phones. He was later picked up by police after he was reported to be asleep in Risca library. During a strip search, police recovered a phone and a bank card taken from the house.

The court heard Moore initially said he had permission to use the bank card and then said he had found both the phone and the card in a wheelie bin.

Ms Rees said his guilty pleas made the offences his third conviction for burglary and he was therefore subject to the three year statutory sentence.

Representing Moore, Eugene Egan said the defendant had denied the offences in interview but pleaded guilty at his first appearance in court. He said Moore wanted to do as much as possible to help himself in his position.

Judge Eleri Rees sentenced Moore to two years four months, after reducing the term due to Moore's guilty plea.