SOUTH Wales East AM Jocelyn Davies pledged her support for Gwent Police Federation at the Assembly as she called on the UK Government to ditch plans to slash the local policing budget by 20 per cent.

The Argus reported last week how chairman of Gwent Police Federation Jeff Mapps described Westminster proposals to cut local policing budgets by a fifth over the next four years as "criminal".

Now Ms Davies has joined in the protest after tabling a Statement of Opinion at the Assembly calling for the plans to be thrown out.

She said: "These are the worst possible cuts at the worst possible time. It is well known that at times of economic difficulty, crime goes up.

"Our communities are suffering as a result of the economic downturn and it is unfair to expect them to suffer further by slashing the capability of the police to deal with the crime."

Police officers from across Wales and England were asked for their thoughts on the cuts as part of a Police Federation survey.

In Gwent, around 700 officers responded to the survey, 89 per cent of whom said the cuts would have a detrimental effect on crime levels; 91 per cent said they thought there would be a decline in the service they give.

Ms Davies paid tribute to Gwent Police Federation, which represents the force’s 1,473 police constables, sergeants and inspectors, for highlighting the potential extent of the cuts and said she hoped the UK government would now "sit up and take action".

She said: "We all need to make clear our opposition to these devastating plans."

The Argus previously reported how Gwent Police is facing cuts of more than £24million over the next four years but Chief Constable Carmel Napier has said she will be doing everything she can to protect front-line officers.