FORMER Newport Gwent Dragon Richard Parks this morning made it to the summit of the world highest peak, Everest.

He stood on what is known as the roof of the world at 2.57am UK time, after scaling the 8,850 metre high peak.

After being delayed by high winds and bad weather, an emotional Parks broke down in tears at the relaisation he had completed the most arduous leg of his attempt to create history.

He is attempting to become the first man to climb the highest mountain on each of the world's seven continents in seven months as well as venturing to the north and south pole.

After making it to the two poles, Everest, is the fifth mountain Parks has successfully climbed.

He said: “It’s hard to really put this in to words, it’s just the most amazing feeling. There’s just the most amazing mountains, clouds as far as the eye can see, one way’s Nepal, the other Tibet. So many times I didn’t think I was going to make it. We have been blessed."

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