NEWPORT pupils got the first insight into their new £29million state-of-the-art school building which is due to open next year.

Year seven pupils at Hartridge High had a tour of the new school which is currently being built next to their current school in Hartridge Farm Road.

The structure is still being completed but the five students along with their headteacher Peter Jenkins and former mayor Cllr Bill Langsford had a sneak peek inside the building which will have two teaching wings wrapped around a central atrium and will house 1,450 pupils.

Pupils were shown a sample classroom as well as other rooms which will be turned into features including a state-of-the-art library, drama and music studios, a sports halls, gym and dance studio alongside classrooms and offices.

The new school also features underfloor heating throughout as well as automatic sensors in classrooms to control the heat and light.

The 12,500 square metre building is expected to open to pupils in April next year with the sports hall and facilities being fully completed by October 2012.

The school is the second to be built under the city council’s major secondary school redevelopment programme, following the completion of Newport High School in Bettws which opened in September 2009 and has since been hailed a great success.

Year seven pupil, Ellie Tufft said: "It is going to make a massive difference and lots of children are going to learn better because of the great facilities."

Newport council’s secondary schools redevelopment client project manager, Haydn Ames said: "This is all about education attainment and this will be a first-class education facility for the children."

Mr Jenkins said: "We have had significant improvements in the school but this building will help take us to the next level. You cannot fail to be excited and enthused."