THERE were 1,274 casualties on Gwent roads in 2010, according to statistics released today.

Data released by the Welsh Government showed that there were 84 fewer casualties – deaths or injuries – on roads covered by the Gwent Police force in 2010 than 2009 and 247 fewer than in 2008.

Nine people died in road accidents in Gwent in 2010, five fewer than 2009 and 20 fewer than 2008.

The region saw the fewest number of road deaths than any other Welsh policing region – with a total of 95 deaths recorded across Wales, 30 fewer than in 2009.

Statistician Henry Small said the poor weather at the beginning and end of 2010 was a “special factor” for the whole of Wales that year.

He said the weather reduced traffic deaths by reducing traffic and slowing it down, so any accidents were less likely to result in a fatality.

In Newport 404 casualties – injuries and deaths – were recorded in 2010, a drop of 54 from 2009.

Monmouthshire saw 193 road casualties, down from 205 in 2009, and Caerphilly also saw a drop from 364 in 2009 to 297 last year.

However in Blaenau Gwent road casualties rose from 168 in 2009 to 203 in 2010, while in Torfaen the number of road casualties increased from 163 to 177.

In total Wales saw 9,961 road casualties in 2010, 393 fewer than in 2009.