FOUR hundred people turned out in support of a memorial charity rugby match in memory of an Abergavenny player last weekend.

The crowd gathered in Bailey Park on Saturday to support the match between players who played with 21-year-old Lewis Smith up until the age of 16 as ‘The Old Smithonians’, and the side’s XV The Quins.

Lewis died of natural causes after playing in a match for the Abergavenny Rugby Club's XV, The Quins, in an away game at Gwernyfed RFC, near Brecon on January 15.

More than £1,000 raised from programme sales and a raffle will go towards placing a bench in his memory in Bailey Park and Diabetes UK.

Jim Aikten, club committee member and event organiser, said it was a day of mixed emotions as The Old Smithonians, led by team captain Arwyn Woodford and coach Howard Davies, won against the odds, having only had one training session with Wales international Scott Quinnell to produce a final score of 31-17.

"We had the biggest crowd of the season on what was another emotional day, but this time in celebration of what Lewis contributed to the club and his friendship to all those who grew up with him, said Mr Aitken.

After the match Lewis’ parents Ricky and Karina Smith presented The Old Smithonians with the Lewis Smith Memorial Cup which will be played for each year between the The Quins and Gwernyfed Athletic each season.