BUDDING fashion designers from Newport’s university revealed their end of year designs at their annual graduate showcase last night.

Models took to the catwalk at The Riverfront to show off collections created by more than 30 third year students from the University of Wales, Newport Fashion Design Programme.

Designs ranged from 1950s-style flowing textiles inspired by memories of the seaside by Bethan Seymour, to Fern Marie Smith’s Exodus collection featuring pieces using fabric molded to look like waves of sand and rusted metals.

The work of the fashion design students has always been one of the highlights of the annual display of the work from the School of Art, Media and Design.

Derek Lawther, Dean of the school congratulated the students on their work.

He said: “Once again, the phenomenal talent of young designers coming out of Newport has helped to put this University on the map within the fashion industry.

“With our focus, not only on design, but on preparing our students for successful careers in the field of fashion, Newport is well on the way to being internationally recognised for fashion.

“I’d like to pay tribute to our graduating students for creating some extremely unique and professional collections. I have no doubt that many students from this cohort will go on to great commercial and practical success within the industry.”