TWO Newport men were found guilty of robbing a takeaway driver of his takings in an early morning attack.

Daniel May, 23, of Glebe Street, and Jamie Kent, 27, of Llewellin Street, were both on trial at Cardiff Crown Court charged with robbery. May was also charged with criminal damage, which Kent had already admitted.

Prosecutor Matthew Cobbe said Amanj Ahmed, a driver for Newport Grill, made a delivery to a house in Sycamore Avenue, Newport, just before 1am on November 29, 2009. As Mr Ahmed returned to his car after making the delivery, he was approached by the two defendants and a third unnamed man.

Mr Ahmed was grabbed and punched as he tried to get into his car and his jacket was pulled off him before he fled the scene. His jacket had more than £200 cash from his night's work. As he left, the men began damaging his Nissan Micra and one of them jumped on the roof and smashed the windscreen.

Mr Cobbe told the jury that by chance, a police patrol was passing, so Mr Ahmed flagged them down and explained what happened.

Mr Ahmed and the officers then gave chase as the men were only down the road.

Kent was trying to escape over a fence when he was caught up by the chasing group, led by Mr Ahmed, who grabbed his feet, the court heard. He was arrested and following questioning by police, May was also arrested.

May said he was at the scene, but did not participate in any of the offences. Kent told the court he was walking home when he got caught up in the incident and Mr Ahmed approached him swinging his arms in a "violent manner." Kent admitted swearing at Mr Ahmed, and kicking his car.

The jury found Kent and May guilty of robbery and May of criminal damage.

Both defendants were remanded in custody until sentencing on June 16.