VISITORS flocked to Abergavenny Steam Rally over the weekend to see a vast collection of immaculately preserved vehicles in working order.

Visitors from across the UK were faced with huge combine harvesters, motorbikes, cars and engines at the town's Bailey Park yesterday.

Throughout the day, exhibitors took time in the ring to show the public their treasured possessions, and later had the chance to explain how they restored them.

One couple, Shirley and Ken Morgan, from Newport, showcased their red and white bus from 1949, similar to one on which they met in their teenage years.

Whilst working as a bus conductor, Shirley spotted a young man in an RAF uniform- Ken, who became her husband.

When the bus, one of few left in the UK, came up for sale, they decided to buy it, and the pair now take it to shows across the country.

Money from the two day event, which raised £28,000 last year, is put back into local groups such as Scouts, RAF cadets and special needs units at schools.

Organied by the Abergavenny Rotary Club, the event has gone from strength to strength in recent years, offering something to all the family.

It is not purely for steam rally enthusiasts- other acts such as the Top Lodge dancing dogs and the Dingle Fingle clown act made sure young minds were kept entertained.

President of Abergavenny Rotary Club, Gareth Davies said: "It's been excellent and as one of the biggest events in Abergavenny we would like to thank people for supporting it."