'THINK before you drink' is the message of this year's All Wales Summer Anti Drink/Drug driving campaign.

The annual campaign is being launched today and over the next month officers across Wales will be focussing their efforts on drink and drug drivers and carrying out stop checks.

Gwent Roads Policing Inspector Lee Ford said: "The summer months bring lots of opportunity to socialise, whether that be in beer gardens or at the BBQs of family or friends.

"We urge people intending to have a drink to enjoy themselves but not at the risk of their own, or the safety of others. Stay safe and legal by making transport arrangements to get home ahead of time."

Insp Ford said officers will be using intelligence-led policing and increasing highway patrols to target those drinking or taking drugs before driving.

During the 2010 campaign, a total of 25,714 people were stopped across Wales, with 513 testing positive or refusing to take a breath test. In Gwent a total of 9,620 people were stopped in June last year, with 77 testing positive tests.

Insp Ford said: "As ever, the message is simple: “if you drink don’t drive, if you drive don’t drink” – we are out there and you will be caught.”

Anyone who has information about people who are drinking or taking drugs before driving should contact Gwent Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.