A GROUP of Cwmbran residents say they fear a new football pitch planned at a local community centre would see anti-social behaviour escalate in the area. A proposal by Communities First Thornhill to extend the council-owned facility on Leadon Court, Thornhill, submitted to Torfaen Council includes childcare and youth facilities, community meeting rooms, a mini football pitch and car park.

But resident Leslie Thomas, 47, who lives nearby, said many of the area's sporting facilities, including a basketball pitch are used by youths who congregate there.

He is also worried about the cost of the project and overhead power cables at the site.

Likewise Arthur Davies, of Sirhowy Court, does not approve of the plans.

He said: "I don't want it here. I've lived here for eight years and we've had a hell of a lot of problems here."

The group are sending in their objections to Torfaen council and also plan to organise a petition for fellow residents to sign.

Torfaen Council said residents have until June 3 to respond to the plans, which planners have not yet decided whether to put to Torfaen's planning committee.