A GWENT florist and a director of a flower breeding company bloomed at the highest level with success at a show famous worldwide.

Charlotte Cooke and David Jones both made sure they did not return empty handed from the 2011 RHS Chelsea Flower Show, picking up awards for their colourful creations.

David Jones, one of the directors of Penhow Nurseries in St Brides Netherwent, won a gold award in the floral marquee category for their creation Grand Pavilion.

It is the eighth gold award won by the nursery at the flower show.

Mr Jones said they were pleased with the award for the 16-foot-wide marquee, which was made up of diascia and nemesia plants that the firm specialises in.

He said: “We’re well pleased. It’s always a stressful time Chelsea and you never really know what happens on the day.

“It’s the highest award you can get with regards the general public.”

Meanwhile Ms Cooke, 24, who works at her mother's Hilarys Four Seasons shops in Abergavenny and Monmouth, won the Bronze Grenfell Award in the Young florist of the year category.

For the Chelsea show, Ms Cooke was asked to design a jockey's shirt, and chose kingfisher blue, cerise purple and lime coloured flowers on the base.

She prepared it at her mother's shop in Abergavenny.

"Last year I went to Chelsea and unfortunately didn't get a medal," she explained.

"So this year it's an improvement and I want to keep going up the scale. It's nice to be awarded something after all the hard work."