SOCIAL services are no investigating how a baby girl fell from a window in Newport, the council confirmed.

The one-year-old girl was taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital suffering from serious head injuries, before being transferred to the paedatric intensive care unit at University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, after plummeting around 15-feet from the first floor window of a flat in Potter Street, Pill, Newport on Wednesday evening.

Emergency services were called to the narrow terraced street at around 5.10pm, after reports a child had fallen from a window.

A Gwent Police spokeswoman said the baby was in a "serious but stable condition" on Thursday, but they were not treating the incident as suspicious and so no further investigations would be taking place.

Many residents said they were unaware of what had happened until police carried out door-to-door enquiries later that evening.

An ambulance service spokesman confirmed an ambulance and a rapid response vehicle attended the scene and took the child to the hospital, but could not give any details on her injuries.

A Newport Council spokeswoman said the social services department were aware of the situation, but no official investigation into the incident would be carried out.