Headteacher Linda Davies said Thornwell school would be closed tomorrow but would reopen its 145 junior school pupils on Tuesday following Friday's blaze.

The fire destroyed the infants and nursery building during the early hours of the morning.

Infant pupils in classes led by Mrs Tovey, Mrs Hutchinson, Mrs Williams, Mrs Leigh will not be able to attend school until Monday June 13.

Pupils in all other infant classes will be able to attend school from Tuesday June 7. New temporary accommodation for the above four classes is being shipped to site early next week.

Mr Davies said: “We are determined that we want to keep the school together. It’s important that the school as a community remains a cohesive unit.

"It will probably be a little inconvenient for a while but for the benefit of the children and staff we will stay together.”

Mrs Davies praised the support of the local community, including members of the local rugby club who offered to help clean up the site once the fire service has left.

She said: “The community has been absolutely wonderful I cannot thank them enough.”