NEARLY a quarter of Caerphilly county pubs and clubs visited by underage test purchasers sold them alcohol, new figures reveal.

Youngsters from the local authority's youth forum teamed up with trading standards to try and stamp out the sale of alcohol to under 18s.

They have been responding to complaints over the last year that shops, pubs or clubs are selling alcohol to youngsters, helping Trading Standards to ascertain whether each complaint is justified.

In the past financial year, 22 per cent of pubs and clubs visited by an under-age test purchaser sold them alcohol while just four per cent of off licenses made a sale.

One of the youth forum's current priorities is challenging peer pressure to say no to alcohol and drugs and members wanted to be involved in challenging the underage sale of alcohol.

They gave a presentation to the local authority's health, social care and well being scrutiny committee, before youth champion Cllr Mike Prew arranged for youngsters to get involved in test purchasing enforcement activities.

Cllr Prew said: "By becoming volunteer test purchasers they are able to help make a real difference, and help ensure that alcohol does not get into the hands of under 18s”.

Trading standards have to respond to all complaints, with a tough stance taken on those that do sell to minors. Enforcements include prosecution and a possible review of a licence to sell alcohol.

Cabinet member for public protection, Cllr Rob Gough said: “While the vast majority of alcohol sellers do act responsibly and make sure they don’t sell alcohol to those under the age of 18, there are a very small minority of sellers who do not take as much care."

To report a premises selling alcohol to people under 18, call Trading Standards on 01495235291.

For further information on the Youth Forum in Caerphilly county borough, call 01443863292.