WORK is well under way to convert Newport’s former railway station building into a council information centre.

The building on Queensway, which has not been used above the ground floor for many years, will bring together a host of authority-run services in the city centre.

Newport council leader Cllr Matthew Evans, said he was delighted the building was being brought back into use and he hoped it would increase footfall in the area.

He said the authority had responded to some residents who said they were frustrated they had to go to multiple locations to pay bills and get information and decided to work with the local service board partnership to use the old station building and transform it into a face-to-face centre.

He said: “The new facility will see a considerable improvement in service delivery and easier access to information for residents allowing a range of queries to be dealt with at one time in one place, providing a better experience for visitors.”

Cabinet member for resources, Cllr Peter Davies, said he was delighted the building will be in full-time use again, adding: “It will not only locate about 300 staff in the city centre, but will draw in local people who wish to use its services.”

The centre, which will be fully open by 2012, will bring services including health professionals, police, Citizens Advice, housing, Job Centre Plus, Communities First and the university into one building in a bid to improve how they interact with the public.

It is anticipated that services from Gwent Police, Aneurin Bevan Health Board and Job Centre Plus will be among those who offer services from the centre to make it more convenient for local people to access the services they need.