MONMOUTH AM Nick Ramsay launched his campaign to be the next Welsh Conservatives leader yesterday.

Mr Ramsay was at Chepstow Racecourse to launch his campaign and his manifesto called Listening and Leading and set out his vision of where the Welsh Conservative party should be going.

He said the party had made a lot of headway over the past ten years and had a lot of success but now needed to move on and reach out to people even more.

Mr Ramsay then went into Chepstow and spoke to local people before embarking on the next stage of his campaign in Aberystwyth.

TheAMsaid he will be travelling across Wales listening to what people want and will take part in a hustings in a different part of Wales each night next week.

He already has public support from other AMs like Mohammad Asghar and the leader of Monmouthshire council Councillor Peter Fox.

Mr Ramsay said he wants to protect the health budget and create a diversity of schools in the state sector that will encourage and raise standards.

He also said he would be calling for a specific minister in the Welsh Assembly for economic growth.