THIS week, Lisa Martins will become the fifth generation of her family to run a Newport fishmongers as her father steps down after 30 years in charge.

Rob Needham, 57, has been at the helm of Needhams in the Indoor Market since 1981 when he ran it with his mother, Mary.

Needhams first opened 125 years ago and has been at its current site since 1960 after a move from the Market Arcade, its home since the 1930s.

But Mr Needham said after decades in the family business, with dwindling numbers at the market and a tougher climate for independent traders than ever, now is the time for fresh blood to take over.

He said: “Newport itself is having a tough time and I find it very difficult to work in that environment. I feel it’s difficult to continue, but I don’t want to leave the market because there’s a lot of people here who work really hard to keep it going.

“I brought something fresh to Needhams when I took over and I think Lisa can do as well and I would like to thank all my staff and customers, old and new, for the support they’ve given me over the years.”

While Mr Needham admits he will miss the people as he pursues a new, as yet undecided, career, he believes now is the right time to hand over the reins to his daughter, who will work with her brother Robert, 29.

Mrs Martins, 31, first started working for her day during school holidays as a teenager, said: “Seeing my dad leave is a hard thing but hopefully I can carry on what he’s put into it and carry on this family tradition.”