A CROSSKEYS man was given a suspended sentence yesterday after admitting assaulting his former partner.

In Newport Magistrates’ Court Robert Parfitt, 36, of Islwyn Road, admitted assaulting Jessica Bourne by beating on April 25.

Prosecutor Rob Simkins said Parfitt and Miss Bourne were in a relationship for six years and had three children. On the day of the incident, Parfitt had been drinking for much of the day and became abusive when Miss Bourne told him to go to bed.

The court heard the defendant smashed a dolls’ house in the garden and Miss Bourne rang the police. Parfitt repeatedly put his hands around Miss Bourne’s neck and came at her with a dining room chair, before she managed to get outside.

Parfitt told police he could remember drinking heavily that day.

The court heard Parfitt knew what he did was wrong and accepted Miss Bourne was frightened by the incident.

Parfitt was sentenced to two months prison, suspended for two years, along with a twoyear supervision order.

He was ordered to attend 27 sessions of the integrated domestic abuse programme, pay £85 towards court costs and made the subject of a five-year restraining order.