PLANS for a roundabout opposite Chepstow Racecourse are being opposed by councillors who say they have not been asked for their views on the bid.

Proposals for a roundabout on the A466 have been drawn up by Monmouthshire County Council, which is expected to use funding from the Safer Roads Initiative along with a contribution from Chepstow Racecourse.

But St Arvans community councillor, Tony Newman, said: “The community council isn’t just unhappy with the plans, it is absolutely opposed to them.”

He added: “We only found out by accident that there were plans for a roundabout after we invited Paul Keeble from MCC to come to one of our meetings in February to discuss road safety in St Arvans– which is a real problem.

“It was only at the end of the meeting that he told us about the roundabout proposals.”

He added: “This is typical of MCC – total lack of consultation.”

The roundabout plans were also discussed at a recent Chepstow Town Council meeting, where a number of councillors expressed concerns.

Cllr David Dovey said: “The councillors in St Arvans are vehemently opposed to this and frankly, it’s the racecourse that wants it.”

Richard Holland, general manager of Chepstow Racecourse, said: “The improvements to the public crossing are essential to create a safer environment for visitors and are being jointly funded by the racecourse, despite it being a public highway.

“The works will be carried out with the minimumpossible disruption.”

A spokesman for Monmouthshire council said: “We are currently at the preliminary design stage but we are looking to develop the design, incorporating the views of those who attended the recent workshop.

“The reason for considering the construction of a roundabout is to re-engineer the highway environment that is conducive to a reduction in the speed limit from 60mph to 30mph.

“The roundabout will also improve access and egress from the racecourse.”