CAERWENT residents who have fought a three-year battle against plans for 145 new homes on their village green have been dealt yet another blow, after being told their addresses will be changed to accommodate the new-builds.

Residents living in Ash Tree Road – a neighbouring road of the development site Merton Green – were recently told by Monmouthshire County Council that to accommodate the new housing development, their addresses would be changed to Ash Tree Crescent.

Now residents say this move will cost them hundreds of pounds and have branded development company Barrat’s offer of a £30 goodwill gesture is “an insult”.

Enid Jones, 74, who has lived in Ash Tree Road with her husband, Terry, for more than 32 years, said: “Why should we be forced to do this? Not only will it cost money to change things like passports, bus passes, licences, insurance adjustments.

“It will cost hundreds for solicitors fees changing wills, deeds etc.

“I am furious. I looked into having post re-directed and that costs £27.

“And Barratt thinks it’s being so generous offering £30 – it’s an insult. ”

Huw Llewellyn, technical director for Barratt South Wales, said: “The local authority is responsible for producing all postal addresses and postcodes and on this occasion decided to extend the numbering of Ash Tree Road which has resulted in a number of existing residents’ addresses being changed.

“Barratt has no control over the proposed changes, but as a gesture of goodwill has offered affected residents £30 for their inconvenience.”

A spokesman for the council said: “Whenever a new development includes existing properties, there is a possibility that their existing street numbers might have to be changed.

“We have contacted residents to see what they think.

“Once we have received their views, we will meet with them before making a final decision.”