A CALDICOT man was given a community order after admitting handling stolen goods.

MatthewWayman, 20, appeared at Newport Crown Court yesterday for sentencing after pleading guilty to one charge in January.

The court heard Wayman, of Ebley Gardens, was in Caldicot on February 2 last year when a TV and DVD combination was stolen in a burglary.

He was initially charged with burglary, which he denied, and later pleaded guilty to the handling charge.

Initially the Crown Prosecution Service did not accept this plea, but changed its mind as the trial date in April approached, which caused the delay in the sentencing.

Wayman admitted selling the stolen goods to his father’s partner for £50. She did not know it was stolen.

Defending, Heath Edwards said Wayman has since changed his lifestyle and now has a job which he cherishes.

Wayman was sentenced to a 12- month community order with a supervision requirement, ordered to do 200 hours’ unpaid work and pay £200 prosecution costs.