Frank Vickery’s, Spanish Lies opened to a full house at Cwmbran’s Congress Theatre, and certainly didn’t disappoint.

A stellar cast firmly put their stamp on a classic comedy full of customary one-liners and twists of plot.

Laura and Dougie return to their Spanish honeymoon hotel for the first time after 25 years of marriage.

Each had previously experienced a brief fling with Miguel and Regietta, the hotel owners, and now that both of their relationships are seriously flagging,the scene is clearly set for fireworks!

The play twists cleverly between past and present and paves the way for some outstanding performances.

Lorraine John is a tour de force, equally at home with the drama and comedy in Lorna’s current situation which is perfectly offset by the common sense of the solid Dougie, played with conviction by Lee Gilbert.

Gareth Milton has a twinkle in his eye as the charming and endearing young Miguel perfectly contrasted by the aging lothario Miguel,a gift part for Richard Tunley,who, along with the excellent Julie Barclay as Regietta,provide most of the belly laughs.

Loud, farcical and undeniably hilarious. Don’t miss it.

It runs here until Saturday and at the Borough Theatre, Abergavenny, June 13-15.