YOUNGSTERS at Garnteg Primary School, Garndiffaith, took part in a special Olympics, raising £600 for a special cause.

In total, 210 three to 11- year-olds took part in Skipathons, dodge ball, dancing movement classes and practised running and balls skills as part of their own Artie’s Olympics.

It is a special initiative organised through the British Heart Foundation, with 80 per cent of the money raised going towards its work and the school having 20 per cent.

Garnteg Primary has run various initiatives through the British Heart Foundation over the last year, with staff learning CPR and first aid and pupils raising awareness and learning about looking after their hearts.

Artie’s Olympics encourages youngsters to enjoy exercise and look after their hearts. Garnteg head mistress Sue Roach said: “We were one of the pilot schools and the children have learnt lots about looking after their hearts. They’ve even trained to become playground buddies and there are programmes at lunchtime on playing.”