PEOPLE with learning disabilities can now report crime at local community centres and support centres without having to go to a police station.

An initiative launched this week by Gwent Police during national learning disability week, means that there are 26 centres across Gwent where people can report hate incidents and crimes.

The force is the first in Wales to set up the third party reporting centres, with members of Torfaen People First to train staff in each centre to identify hate crimes and support the victim through the reporting and recording of it.

Hate crime reporting packs have been funded by the Home Office and local police officers have established links with each centre.

Chief Superintendent Paul Symes, Gwent Police said: “Service users are obviously more comfortable in reporting incidents to their support workers in familiar surroundings, which is what the intention was with the initiative in Torfaen.

“Potential victims can be reassured that they do not have to go to a police station if they do not want to, that they can still report an incident and it will be investigated,”

The list of reporting centres can be found at www.