AN EMPTY retail site in Newport could still be transformed into new homes if Newport planning committee approves revised plans next week.

Llanhennock Investments Ltd has applied to redevelop the site of Floors-2-Go on the city's Phillip Street, near the George Street Bridge, into ten homes.

The development would include four three bedroom homes and two six bedroom homes, according to an officers report to the committee.

Officers wrote that the site, which is bounded by a railway line, was last used as a flooring retail outlet. It was previously believed to have been operated as a coal yard.

Previously a plan to build 12 homes was built was approved but after it emerged that a third party owned some of the site a revised scheme was required.

The reports says that 87 homes were consulted on the proposals but no responses from neighbours were received.

Potential noise concerns with the development have been addressed, the report added.

Officers recommended the plans for approval prior to planning councillors making the final decision at their meeting on July 6.