A BLAENAVON man is piecing his life back together after diabetes caused him to lose his sight overnight and his kidneys to fail.

Martin Smith, 54, of Oxford Terrace, Forgeside, had his life turned upside while holidaying in Spain in 2002, when he awoke with no sight in his left eye before his right eye also failed.

Doctors told him a combination of diabetes and high blood pressure had caused diabetic retinopathy, a form of eye disease. He was completely blind for six months, before an operation fitted plastic lenses in his eyes, giving him some vision up to a few metres away.

On diagnosis in 2002, Mr Smith was also told the diabetes was causing his kidneys to fail. By April 2010 , they were functioning so poorly, he had to start abdominal peritoneal dialysis at home.

This means four times a day, for 45 minutes each time, Mr Smith has to take impurities out of his blood, by pumping two litres of dextrose solution through his body.

Up until 2002, Mr Smith worked full-time at ArvinMeritor, Cwmbran, watched all Wales' home rugby internationals and enjoyed fixing cars.

He said: "The first six months were devastating, I couldn't go out, even dress myself or watch television."

Mr Smith, who is married to Dianne, 59, has a step-son Shane, 40, daughter Teri, 30 and grandchildren Cerys, 14 and Amy, 11, then joined Torfaen Visually Impaired Gym Group.

It saved him slipping into depression, finding there are others like him, who gave tips, such as buying different coloured socks and mugs, which are easier to see.

While he can now catch the bus to the gym club at Pontypool Leisure Centre and is a season ticket holder at Newport Gwent Dragons- with Dianne as commentator- dialysis still restricts him.

He has been waiting for a new kidney for a year and believes presumed consent on organ donation- which the Welsh Government plans to introduce- would change many lives.

The issue has proved controversial, but Mr Smith said: "It's a massive thing to ask grieving families. But, presumed consent would change the lives of so many people like me."

Torfaen Visually Impaired Gym Group raised £3,700 for Kidney Wales Foundation through its Walk for Life in April. It is looking for new members, with details on the TIGG Pontypool page on Facebook.

To register as an organ donor go to www.uktransplant.org.uk