CWMBRAN residents have joined forces to oppose talk of future housing development in Fairwater.

Locals are compiling a dossier of objections following the proposed redesignation of land at Greenmeadow from agricultural to residential usage before public consultation closes on August 10.

After that campaigners want Torfaen council ‘s forthcoming Local Development Plan (LDP) to include alternative brownfield sites instead of a farmer's field currently being considered.

Rosemead residents Nigel and Joyce Levi told almost 40 householders who met at Fairwater Leisure Centre on Monday permission for 25 houses near Ty’r-ywen Farm could be sought if the move was approved.

But Mr Levi said this would bring traffic safety and access issues to the adjacent estate, despite the fact the greenfield spot was also a classed Site of Interest for Nature Conservation.

"They haven’t used up some of the brownfield sites yet," he added. "I think some of this recommendation is premature."

Other householders thought the field had been farmed for 80 years or more and that a right of way was also in place, while Mr Levi estimated a 41 per cent increase in traffic through Rosemead should plans go ahead.

Ward County Councillor Jeff Rees said the council ‘believes’ it is the field’s current owner and had notified an interest to the Land Registry office to that effect last October.

But he promised to bring the matter to full council should it make the final LDP following further investigation from members next spring.

Those present also agreed to submit individual representations to the council before next Wednesday‘s deadline, while 15 others unable to attend told Mr Levi they would do the same.