GWENT Police recorded the lowest proportion of positive breath tests across Wales in the June summer drink-drive crackdown.

Officers found 69 out of 4497 drivers, or 1.5 per cent, of those stopped locally during a month-long campaign were over the limit compared to 192 in South Wales, 87 in Dyfed Powys and 96 in North Wales.

But Chief Inspector John Pavett, of Gwent’s Roads Policing Unit, said officers would continue to raise awareness in comparison to last year's figure of 77 positives out of 9620, or 0.8 per cent, of tests carried out.

"Although the percentage is low, one person getting behind the wheel after they have drunk alcohol is one too many and we are still disappointed people continue to choose to break the law in this way," he said.

Gwent also recorded the third highest amount of arrests for drug-driving countrywide, with four drivers apprehended compared with seven in South Wales, five in North Wales and just one in Dyfed Powys.

Officers who launched the All Wales Summer Anti Drink/Drugs Driving Campaign in Caernarfon this June carried out 18,345 breath tests and made 463 arrests in total.