THE Swift and Bold charity wristband appeal set up in January to raise money in aid of Chepstow’s 1st Battalion The Rifles has reached a landmark £50,000.

The regiment is currently half way through its second six-month tour in Helmand province, Afghanistan on Operation Herrick 14.

The Rifles are in the Nar E Saraj District.

Just over a month ago, soldiers from 1 Rifles discovered an enormous bomb-making factory during a raid.

At the time it was the biggest discovery of homemade explosives during the Herrick 14 mission.

The Beachley Barracks-based regiment is mourning the loss of three of its men, while others have been wounded.

Money from the appeal will be used to provide support and assistance for the families and loved ones of riflemen from the battalion who are killed or wounded in action.

Swift & Bold campaign co-ordinator Charlotte Branston said: "I’m delighted to have reached this important milestone but there’s still a long way to go. We are aiming to raise £200,000 by January.

"Mrs Branston’s husband Sam is one of 500 or so from 1 Rifles currently serving in Afghanistan.

She added: "We’re a close knit community at Beachley Barracks and all the wives and girlfriends look after each other.

"Many of us know people who have been injured or killed while serving their country, so we know how important the Swift and Bold campaign is."

Every week the campaign receives photographs of celebrities who have lent their support.

For more information and to make a donation visit