A MAN arrested over an eight-hour gun drama in Chepstow yesterday is being questioned by police today.

The 34-year-old man, named locally as Greg Searle, was arrested after the incident in Aust Crescent.

Police stormed a house in the street yesterday afternoon after an eight-hour stand-off.

Armed officers had kept the house surrounded and the street was cordoned off, with residents of Aust Crescent and neighbouring Western Avenue being forced to stay in their homes.

It was only after riot police battered down the front door at around 2.20pm that the siege ended.

A man was arrested on suspicion of theft and possession of a firearm with intent to cause an indictable offence.

Monmouthshire Councillor Armand Watts, who serves the Thornwell area, said he saw a ball bearing gun and a knife being thrown outside from the house during the siege.

Shopworker Denise McKenna, 45, said she was woken up at 6am by the man’s shouts, and that when she opened up a front window a policeman told her to shut it.

Stephen Meddins, 43, said he was woken up by the shouting at 6.30am to 7am and was told to stay indoors at 7.15am.

He said: “It’s been chaos.”

Sheila Gibbs, 72, said she woke up at 7.20am by Mr Searle’s shouting: “I feel sorry for the fella. He’s never caused any trouble around here."

Christine Marendaz, 61, said a police officer with a dog came through house and she was told to stay indoors.