A REDEVELOPMENT plan to build more than 250 homes on a former Newport scrap yard was quashed after the applicant ceasing trading.

Property developer Edward Ware Homes was previously granted planning permission in March 2008 to renovate the scrap yard between Usk Way and Jacks Pill, building 254 apartments in three blocks, as well as six commercial units.

This was on the condition of more than £650,000 of contributions being made towards education and leisure facilities.

But Edward Ware Homes have since gone out of business failing to sign the section 106 agreement which would have committed them to providing £514,929 for leisure and £152,388 for education.

At a Newport planning meeting, councillors agreed with the officer’s recommendation to quash their original decision and refuse permission for the application due to there being no scope for further negotiations with the Bristol-based company.

Cllr Valerie Dudley proposed the motion to refuse the application, which was seconded by Cllr Ron Jones and supported by four other councillors on the planning committee.

Three councillors were against refusing the application.

The plans would have included a 21-storey apartment block and two smaller seven-storey blocks of studios, apartments, duplexes and luxury penthouses.

Work on the development should have been completed in time for the 2010 Ryder Cup, but the plans were put on hold in summer 2008 following a slump in the housing market and the company later ceasing trading.