THE FAMILY of a pensioner who died after an accident with a car near Abergavenny on Tuesday paid tribute to her.

Mrs Jenny Buckley, 82, who was visiting relatives in Llanthony, died after suffering fatal injuries when her car crashed in the village.

In a statement released by Gwent Police, Mrs Buckler's son, Tobias Buckler said: "The family are all shocked; our mother was fit and well, and looking forward to spending the summer with all the family in Llanthony. "

"This is very sad for us all. We would like to thank our neighbours, and the emergency services who have been very helpful and supportive."

He added:"Our mother loved Llanthony. She came first as a child and has spent a great deal of time here ever since. She leaves five children and thirteen grandchildren."

The accident left villagers shocked. one resident said: "This is a small community and we are very saddened by the news. It’s a shock."

Inspector Talbot Thrush said Mrs Buckley was driving a Land Rover when the incident happened at around 4.20pm. No other vehicles were involved.

Anyone with any information on the incident should call Gwent Police on 01633 838111.