Centre for Business has been accredited with a Leadership & Management Wales Quality Award in recognition of its excellence in support of 'the learner journey' in leadership and management development.

The award is open to applications from all training organisations who deliver leadership and management courses. LMW assesses the standard of their services and ensures that they are effective in helping small businesses in their leadership and management development.

Centre for Business, which has its head-quarters in Newport, was asked to provide information about its courses and trainers, including how trainers are selected, how courses are monitored for feedback and subsequently adapted and kept up to date to continue to meet the needs of businesses across Wales.

LMW is the Welsh Government-funded centre for excellence for leadership and management skills in Wales designed to help individuals and small businesses access funding and suitable training. Its Quality Award seeks to ensure that organisations contracted to deliver development courses provide a service that is fit-for-purpose for the business community.

As one of Wales’ longest-established business support organisations, the Centre for Business has been providing start-up services on behalf of the Welsh Government for more than 30 years.

Its management courses cover a variety of areas, including ‘Leading Teams to Perform’, ‘Gaining Business Appointments’, ‘HR for Line Managers’ and ‘Business Meeting Skills’, and are coordinated by its business development team led by Jo Price and Debbie Jones.

Ms Price said: “Although we have long been a provider of leadership and management training and have consistently received high levels of feedback from course delegates, it is particularly pleasing to get a rubber-stamp of approval through this award.

“We constantly seek feedback and input from businesses across south Wales to gain an understanding of what their needs are and to ensure we provide training courses that are fit-for-purpose and can help them develop and fulfil their potential.”

LMW director, Dr Barrie Kennard, says: “This award represents a definitive standard for training providers. Those who gain it have shown the ability to continually develop and pursue best practice in leadership and management development.”

Centre for Business has bases across South Wales.