Superfast broadband will make a world of difference to businesses across Newport.

It is quick, dependable and the possibilities it will open up are huge.

The faster speeds will mean that businesses can be more productive. It will allow them to access to the latest software, enable them to use video more effectively, and make it easier to work remotely.

Smaller businesses can start to think big, and access the tools they need to compete in an international market. They will no longer be constrained by their physical location and can expand their potential customer base across the world.

During this year’s food festival we tested the waters, working with traders to highlight the benefits of superfast broadband.

We were able to live-stream demonstrations and workshops, and showcase the practical benefits that it can offer. Every business that we spoke with was enthusiastic about the idea and saw the possibilities ahead.

Crucially, superfast is also an essential part of promoting the city as a business destination.

I think that superfast connections will soon become a minimum requirement for businesses looking to relocate. Newport will be one of the first cities to connect to the superfast network and, together with the wider regeneration of the city, this will contribute to the creation of more jobs and more money coming into the local economy.

As part of the Super Connected Cities project Newport City Council, together with the UK Department of Culture Media and Sport, have developed a voucher scheme that will cover part of the initial connection cost required to join a superfast network up to a value of £3000.

There is also the scope for training and support to help businesses improve their digital skills and ensure they are ready to hit the ground running when superfast is rolled out in 2015.

I would encourage every small business in Newport to register for this scheme - you can sign up at