This time next week we'll all be enjoying Christmas - so what better question to ask than: What do you want in your Christmas stocking this year?

Tony Sheehan, chairman of Caerphilly Business Forum and managing director of the Joyner Group

The festive season is a great time to reflect on all the challenges and successes of the past year. As a forum we have been privileged to share in and highlight some of the many achievements of businesses within the borough. Personally and professionally I am delighted to see the economic recovery we have been told of for many months starting to have an impact. On behalf of the forum I acknowledge the increasing role played by local companies that make products and offer services used not only regionally but globally. Although I am looking forward to spending time with family and friends over the coming days, I will open my stocking cognisant of the need for companies and organisations to work together more closely through initiatives such as the forum if these 'green shoots' are to turn into not just individual growth and success stories, but play their rightful role in enhancing and adding value to our communities and the wider economy. As chairman, I welcome this challenge and will raise a glass to what promises to be an exciting year ahead.

Gareth Waters, owner, BrandNuCreative, Cwmbran

Some kind of time warp machine would be great to go back to the start of the year and rewrite my plans! On a more reflective note though, the decisions I have made throughout the course of the year have seen me work with some great clients and collaborations in 2013. My tip for 2014 - don’t be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them!

John Newell, owner, Kingston Newell Estate Agents, Newport

I would like some business rates relief please.

Gerald Davies, executive chairman, Kymin, Newport

A red Maserati would be nice. Seriously, gold, frankincense and myrrh have lost a little of their shine this year (since gold has plummeted from $1,900 an ounce in September 2011 to about $1,250 an ounce now). So some good cheer and in the New Year, some resolutions on behalf of most people, to stop moaning, blaming everything on other people and start taking responsibility for their lives.

Jonathan Brenchley, head of corporate relations Wales & West , Barclays

From a professional capacity I guess growth of the Welsh and wider UK economy, increase in business confidence and sustainable consumer spending but enough of that, what I really want apart from a full head of hair and thinner waistline is a break from girly orientated activities and television programmes selected by my wife and two beautiful daughters. Just a brief period when I don’t have to go to dancing, watch Srictly or X Factor. Dad time when perhaps we could all play the surprise 'Scalectrix' I have bought them for Christmas or watch the rugby together. With regard to physical presents, I guess like most people, i already have most things i need which therefore tends to make you focus on the things you don’t want such as chocolate teaspoons, Ant & Dec’s autobiography and adoption of a gorilla (all of which I have received before). In truth what I really look forward to is time off with the family and a little over indulgence before I get back on both the metaphorical treadmill of life and my actual treadmill in the garage. Merry Christmas everyone.

Lewis Lewis, director of corporate and client services, Lewis and Lewis Ltd, Newport

I guess I am very fortunate as I have already had a preview of what’s going to be in my Christmas Stocking this year which is thankfully a trip to Dubai!

After what has been a busy and difficult year I am definitely looking forward to the break, relaxing and catching up with friends and colleagues from my time working in Dubai as well as celebrating the festive period in style with my parents and family.

It all starts on December 20, 2013 jetting off from London Heathrow destined for the UAE a Christmas celebration in the sun followed by a New Year’s spectacular, amazing food and sights.

The UAE's hotels and restaurants certainly know how to make festive fabulous and the 2013 season I am sure will be no exception.

Terry Edgell, managing director, Premier Forest Products, Newport

After an incredible year of growth and acquisition for the Premier group with all the late nights and early mornings that have gone with it, I am not so much looking forward to the 'Twelve Days of Christmas' as the Twelve Christmas lie-ins in bed, which will, hopefully, work like the equivalent of a human battery charger in my stocking from Santa!

Chris Taylor, operations director, Kymin, Newport

Keys to an orange Lamborghini Aventador (which is parked outside with a ribbon around it) and a new genuine replacement leather gear knob for my MK1 Golf Rivage (I know Santa is bringing me this!).

David Jones, Hutchings & Thomas Chartered Surveyors

I’m looking forward to seeing Newport County score a hat trick of visits to Wembley, three trips in three years, with another journey down the M4 in 2014. I also want to see the club secure promotion for the second year in a row and, on a more commercial property note,  to see 100 per cent pre lettings on the Friar’s’s Walk scheme- surely that’s not too much to ask?