If you had to be stuck in a lift with someone, who would it be and why?

Archbishop Desmond Tutu to hear his wonderful stories from the transformation of South Africa and to share his infectious laughter.

What is your biggest fear?

I hate heights so dread the thought of having to go on to a church roof.

Do you have any superstitions?

I don’t believe in good or bad luck, but do have faith in a loving God to bring me through whatever ups and downs life throws at me.

If you could have one song on your iPod, what would it be and why?

John Rutter’s beautiful setting of the prayer The Lord Bless You and Keep You.

What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought not including your property?

I don’t yet own a property, having always lived in church owned houses. The most expensive thing so far is a Ford Galaxy – very boring but very practical.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Don’t be in too much of a hurry – view everything in the context of eternity.

What’s your indulgence?


What item could you not live without?

Chocolate! Oh, and a Bible.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?

Lose the weight gained from eating too much chocolate.

Where are you next going on holiday?

After a wonderful holiday in Canada this year visiting my daughter while she was studying in Ottawa, it will probably be a bit closer to home.