Congratulations to all students in my constituency who have recently collected exam results.

Whether you received the grades you wanted or not, please know that there are opportunities out there for you. I, your families and your teachers are very proud of the efforts you have put in and the dedication you have shown.

With the start of a new school year almost upon us, I would like to highlight support for low income families who struggle with the cost of all the essentials which go along with that.

The cost of uniforms, sports kits and stationary can all add up, especially as this is usually increased spending compared to a regular month.

The Welsh Government has released funding in the form of the School Essentials Grant to Local Authorities, to support households on the lowest incomes in preparing for back to school.

The grants are available for low earners who meet the eligibility criteria, who have children in primary and secondary school.

For children entering year 7, an increased amount of £200 is available to help with the extra costs associated with starting secondary school. While other year groups can receive £125.

The grant can help cover essentials like uniform, coats and footwear. As well as, classroom essentials like stationary and music and sports equipment.

The scheme is available to those who are eligible for Free School Meals. You can find out more and apply here.

The Funding is available to ALL Children Looked After (CLA), also known as Looked After Children (LAC) of compulsory school age, irrespective of Free School Meal entitlement.

If you are on a low income, I would also recommend that you check if you are eligible for Free School Meals in secondary school. You can read more about how to apply and the eligibility criteria here

You can also find information here on free travel passes for learners aged 4-18 years here

I hope you find this information helpful and enjoy the rest of the summer holiday.

Hefin David is the Senedd member for Caerphilly.