A MAN accused of raping three different women has denied sexually assaulting them and told a jury: “I am not a sex predator”.

Matthew Holder, 30, was giving evidence in his defence at his trial after denying four counts of rape and one of assault by penetration.

It is alleged the defendant raped three women in Newport between 2018 and 2022 while they were unconscious after they had too much alcohol.

Ieuan Bennett, prosecuting, told Holder: “When you go out, you target women who’ve had too much to drink don’t you?”

The defendant replied: “You’re making me out to be sex predator when I’m not at all.”

Questioned by his barrister John Hipkin KC, Holder said he had not had any sexual relations with the first complainant.

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This relates to an allegation of the defendant attacking her after she’d collapsed in her bedroom in her clothes after drinking spirits.

The prosecution claims the second rape charge concerns Holder sexually assaulting the complainant in her home following a night out in Newport when he’d bought her Jägerbombs.

The defendant told Mr Hipkin: “I fell asleep on the sofa. I passed out.”

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His lawyer asked him: “Did you have sexual intercourse with her?”

Holder answered: “Yes.”

The defendant went on to say the woman had begun sexually touching and kissing him while he was on the sofa.

Under cross-examination by Mr Bennett, Holder told him: “She was coming on to me.”

The third allegation relates to the defendant raping a woman after meeting her in a shop.

The jury has been told Holder has pleaded guilty to theft after stealing her TV.

The defendant said he and the woman had consensual sex after they went back to her flat.

“Was she awake or was she asleep?” Mr Hipkin inquired.

“She was awake,” he responded.

“I wanted more drugs and I stupidly nicked her TV,” Holder continued.

“I wanted more cocaine and I sold it.

“I went to my mate’s house and I carried on drinking.”

Mr Bennett accused Holder of raping the third woman when she was “hammered drunk” which he then rejected.

The prosecutor told him: “You didn’t care if she consented or not, did you?

Holder denied this.

“She woke up with you on top of her having sex with her,” Mr Bennett added.

“That’s incorrect,” the defendant said.

The trial of Holder, of Monnow Way, Bettws, Newport, which is being held before Judge Lucy Crowther at Cardiff Crown Court, continues.