A MAN threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend and her new partner at Cardiff Airport when they touched down after a holiday in Tenerife.

Karl Gulley, 59, from Newport had also taunted his former lover by telling her he had sold her pet dog and bombarded the couple with hundreds of videos, calls and messages.

The defendant’s threats were taken so seriously that the woman was escorted through the airport by security after she’d landed.

Harriet Ealden, prosecuting, told Newport Magistrates’ Court: “The defendant and (the woman) were in a relationship that started in 2018 but had ended in 2022.

“In November last year she went on holiday with her new partner to Tenerife.

“The defendant repeatedly called them and told them: ‘See you at the airport – I’m going to kill you.’”

Gulley sent messages on the day of their flight home which read: “Hurry up! I want to kill you” and “You have landed.”

He also messaged her daughters which had left them “traumatised”.

Gulley used a homophobic slur to abuse his ex’s new boyfriend.

In a victim personal statement, she said: “I knew Karl for a number of years and we’d always had a good relationship.

“I separated from him due to his increased drinking.

“When Karl drinks he is unpredictable. He had told me he was outside our hotel.”

She had allowed him to stay at her home while she was away because he had nowhere to stay.

Gulley, of Cefn Adda Court, admitted three counts of harassment.

The court heard the defendant had a previous domestic abuse conviction after he knocked his ex-wife unconscious when he punched her in the jaw.

He was convicted of battery and harassment against her.

Jemma Guy representing Gulley said her client had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity.

“He has difficulty dealing with the end of a relationship,” she added. “The defendant has shown a high level of remorse.”

District Judge Joanna Evans told Gulley: “These are very serious offences and they are made more serious in that you have a history of this kind of behaviour.

“This was persistent behaviour over a prolonged period and it was intended to maximise distress.”

The defendant was committed to the crown court for sentence on July 19.

He was granted bail.