MIKE Harris seems determined to run Pontypool down, so for the benefit of the shops, businesses and residents of the town and the wider community, I think it’s right to tell what is really happening in this historic town.

Last year the council started spending £10m of European funding on Pontypool and the surrounding area. It’s the biggest single regeneration project in Torfaen, and one of the objectives is to create a more modern environment in Pontypool town centre, something that will encourage more people back into using the town. Some of the projects include re-paving Commercial Street and George Street to make it more pedestrian friendly and more suitable for events; major restoration of the Indoor Market, with refurbished units and restored historic shop fronts and office space; restoration of many historic buildings, bringing vacant and underused space back into use, work to create a new car spaces in town for shoppers, the installation of public art, both in the town centre and the Italian Gardens, creating walking and cycling routes to connect the town centre with surrounding areas. If any residents, businesses or investors would like to know more about the exciting plans, I would be delighted to tell you more!

Cllr John Cunningham, Exec Member Neighbourhood Services