I DON’T know why Nationalist Mr Nutt is still going on about Caerphilly Council’s award of the Living Wage to its lowest-paid workers last year (Argus, July 26).

Let him answer this simple question: Did Plaid Cymru’s Caerphilly councillors vote for the Living Wage award?
If the answer is yes (and it is), why isn’t Mr Nutt urging every voter to question their local Plaid Cymru councillors to justify why Caerphilly council should pay a living wage to council workers?
Instead of misquoting ex-Labour ministers, it may be worthwhile Mr Nutt researching how beneficial the Living Wage has been not only to Caerphilly Council’s lowest-paid workers, but to their families, their local communities and our local economy.
Caerphilly Council is one of the largest employers in our county borough, and our council’s Labour leadership is doing everything possible to promote economic development locally.
Cllr Gez Kirby
St Andrews Drive,