RE: STEVE Bowden’s letter on Terry Wogan.

Well Done Steve Bowden! At Last, somewhere who shares the same sentiment regarding the dreadful Chris Evans and his horrendous morning show on BBC2.

For as long as I can remember I have listened and thoroughly enjoyed Terry Wogan, welcoming the dawn chorus and his Irish charm and wit. His “Togs” and the incredible Janet and John stories which often beggared belief with their innuendo and ingenious play on words. Now we have Chris Evans, embarrassing interviews with frightened children, raucous and tasteless, inane and uncouth. I crave for the few weeks a year when he is on holiday and Graham Norton or similar takes the spot.

Wogan had the perfect balance of music, chat and humour. Now the mornings are silent for there is little else to compare on any of the alternative radio stations.

Well done the BBC, another triumph.

Jan Preece Wolseley Street Newport