I WOULD like to thank Mr Bond for saying, what no doubt most of the readers are thinking, regarding the pointless stream of letters for or against religion. We had a similar situation some time ago, which also went on for many weeks, to which I finally replied in similar fashion to Mr Bonds letter.

I have always maintained that letter pages should be mainly communicative (to all the readers and not a personal knowledge jousting grounds, and political slanging matches) comprising anecdotes, humour and information.

Of course, people should express their opinions, but not keep beating us over the head with them. Who wants to come home, slip off their shoes, sit down with a cup of tea and a biscuit, to to read a column of argumentative, in-depth religious doctrine and the like.

The letters page should be attractive and the one that everyone wants to read and it’s certain that there are a great many readers out there who have something interesting to say, so come on folks, sharpen your quills , exercise your typing finger, and let’s hear from you !. Derek Everett, Crindau Road Newport