NEWPORT might be cutting out weed killers for financial reasons, but the real reason to cut out these chemicals should be to give wildlife a chance.

We are now polluting our ground with an enormous amount of chemicals, many of which are new compounds and their long-term impacts are unknown. What we do know is that pollinators are dying out. More than one third of our honey bees died last winter alone. Anything we can do to help them is helping ourselves, for bees pollinate most of the corps humans need to eat to stay alive.

Every morning I find dead bees on my drive. This is a phenomenon not seen before. I do not use chemicals, but the chances are that many still do. I implore Newport residents to take the lead from Newport council and stop using chemicals in their gardens.

Cutting costs, cutting pollution, cutting chemicals. It’s a win win win for wildlife.

P Bartolotti, Yewberry Lane, Newport